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Vibration Engineering
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We specialize in the field of vibration engineering, from design of vibration sensitive facilities to vibration control of mechanical equipment.

Key Benefits

  • Save you time and money
  • Like having your own laboratory and your own team of vibration experts
  • Over 50 years of combined staff experience


Fully Equipped Vibration Testing Laboratory
We maintain a laboratory equipped with a full complement of Brüel & Kjær instrumentation.
Linear & Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
Over 17 years experience performing linear and nonlinear finite element analysis with major commercial FEA programs.
Quality Reports and Timely Service
Testing is conducted in accordance with industry standards.  Our goal is to fulfill client requirements in the timely and cost-effective manner.  Testing and analysis methodologies are clearly stated in our reports.

Reference Projects

The following is a small sample of the vibration engineering projects we have performed within the past few years.

Design of Raised Floor System

With the use of Finite Element Analysis and empirical data, we designed a 90 feet x 100 feet raised floor system to meet the 0.2 µm vibration criteria.

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Design of Crystal Puller Pedestal

With the use of Finite Element Analysis and empirical data, we investigated different options for the design of concrete pedestal and foundation for the support of vibration sensitive crystal pullers.

Four examples are shown on the left.  Clockwise from top: single solid pedestal, single hollow pedestal, four pedestals on a common foundation, and single hollow pedestal filled with sand.

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Dynamic Impact on Buildings

A finite element model of an entire building was made to investigate the potential impact on the building, due to the vibration of a series of roof-mounted mechanical equipment.

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Last modified: October 28, 1998